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News and Events

July 2014**** **        *********************

***Unit 3 / New York***

Tactical force on force training
airsoft tactical training hosted by u.s.z.o.r.t. & l.i.t.p.

When?  monday, july 14th, 2014
             8:00 pm - 11:00pm

where?  strikeforce sports
               450 commack road
               deer park, ny 11729

How Much?  $20  *paid directly to strikeforce for the use of their facility*
                           *** for an additional $15 you can rent an airsoft
                     gun and face mask if you do not have your own. ***

     what's the use of having all of those preps if you can't defend them?  At this members only training event you will be learning tactical training in a private area.  This course requires the successful completion of the firearms manipulation and safety course.  this is a 5 - 10 minute class that takes place before the session. 
     The training that takes place at this facility is at no charge, however, strikeforce does charge a $20 fee per person for the complete 3 hour session.  If you do not own your own equipment, you can rent an airsoft weapon and a face mask for $15.  If you choose, you can purchase your own airsoft equipment as well.  strikeforce offers discounts to genuine u.s.z.o.r.t. / l.i.t.p. members.
     airsoft allows one to engage in the necessary tactical training without the lethality of real weapons.  this class is part of a series of regularly held tactical training sessions.  tactical training is a perishable skill, therefore, continued training is necessary to maintain your skills.  this incredibly realistic training forum will condition you to function reliably in a stressful situation.  you will learn the necessary tactics to survive a deadly force encounter. 
     we hope to see you there!

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