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     The U.S. Zombie Outbreak Response Team or   U.S.Z.O.R.T.  is a team made up of 50 UNITS that  operate all over the U.S. and other countries, training, preparing and waiting for the ZoMbIe apocAlypse.
      We are everyday people. we are mothers AND fathers, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles.  we are doctors, sanitation workers, police officers, military service personel, postal workers and school teachers.  we are preppers and survivalists preparing for all worst case scenarios and S.H.T.F. situations. 
       A ZoMbIe could be anything from a person infected by a pandemic outbreak to a crazy nut job, criminal or gangster who wants to hurt your family and steal your food and prepsThe apocAlypse could come in the form a hurricane, earthquake, financial Economic Collapse, EMP, polar cap shift or terrorist attack etc etc!!!      
      by adding the "ZOMBIE" to being a prepper or survivalist not only makes it fun, but also practical.  If you are prepared for the ZoMbIeS you are ready for anything!  So as U.S. Z.O.R.T. we can prep, train and ready ourselves for anything and everything while also helping others like family, friends and other U.S. Z.O.R.T. members in a time of need!!

     Our goal as U.S. Z.O.R.T. is to connect our states, cities, communities and their people. to help and train people to survive in any situation. We can offer self and home defense, community watch and natural disaster response as well as wilderness, urban  survival and prepping.  We also sponsor community events such as picnics, dinners, dances, parties, charity events and conduct fund raisers to help other in need - and to survive!!!
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